The Community Lives And Stories Project (CLASP) logo shows a rose window representing St. Mary at the centre of a clasp which in turn represents our plans to embrace and hold close and then share the rich heritage of St. Mary’s Church and the Gopsall Estate villages
- As part of the National Lottery Heritage Fund project which has enabled us to restore the fabric of St. Mary’s Church, we want celebrate and share our local heritage by collecting pictures and stories relating to the lives of past, current and future residents of the Gopsall Estate villages.
- To help with our project we need your photographs of recent and past events that you or your family have organised or attended in Congerstone and/or St Mary’s Church. If you are willing to share your photos, please contact Gill Lawrence at or text Gill on 07475 949 200. All print copies of photos will be returned after scanning and none will be used for public viewing without permission.