The National Lottery Heritage Fund has awarded St. Mary’s Church a grant of £220,500 to:
- replace the nave and north aisle roof beam ends and the stolen lead with tern-coated stainless steel
- repair and restore many of the windows and much of the stonework
- move the font to the back of the north aisle
- provide safe ladder access to the tower roof
Work on the nave and north aisle roof was also supported by grants from the Market Bosworth St. Peter’s Fund and the Wolfson Foundation.
Further funds have been provided by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Edith Murphy Foundation, the All Churches Trust, the LeicesterShire Historic Churches Trust, the Leicester Diocese Capital Fund and generous contributions from the local community for a more ambitious plan involving building an extension at the West end of the north aisle to contain a small servery and an accessible toilet with baby changing facilities.
The overall exterior and interior approved plans for the works are shown below. Click the following links for the detailed plans for renovation and repair of the window and door stonework (WindowAndDoorRepairs) and roof (RoofDiagrams).